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Wish to check if CRRedist2005_x86 is a freeware if not then what license is to be procured.


Re: Solman_setup configuration for local client copy

Re: Delete Old Planned Orders - VP, LA & NB


Hi Kamal,


MD16 is the tcode for mass deletion of planned orders. You can delete based on MRP controller, Material  etc.

Go to MD16 - Input MRP controller and click on Find. Enter Plant, MRP Controller and end selection date and click on continue. System will display all the planned orders for the respective MRP controller. Select all planned orders and click on Delete. All the planned orders will be deleted.


VP planned orders are generated based on strategy 50. These planned orders are un convertable planned orders. You cannot delete these planned orders. Once the sales order is received upon MRP run PIR gets consumed and un convertable planned orders chnages to convertable planned order for the sales order quantity. If want to delete these planned orders then PIR for Finished Material make it as inactive and run MRP. Thereafter all the unconvertable planned orders gets deleted. Then make the PIR for the Finished product as active.

Thanks & Regards,


Re: No authorization to approve attendences/absences for personnel no.


Hi Mithun,


We have checked the users' SP01 log but haven't found anything.


We were talking about difference in roles on R/3 and ESS ends. Could you please elaborate it a bit so that we can talk to the BASIS and Authorization teams for their helps?


Everyone wants to know how come users can do the activity from R/3 and not from the Portal. (Please Explain)




Re: check for plant section when create equipment


and if i open

Define Field Selection for Functional Location Fields

i find field desc. - dispposition - invisible

in plant section write what ??

Re: check for plant section when create equipment


Follow the above mentioned IMG path to get the required screen. Make the Plant Section field as Required.


If you are new to this configuration path, please get the help of some senior people.

Re: Making "Other perks " projected in payslip for whole year


Hi Saroj,


In Feb 2014 we paid "Other perks"  (amount 5000) in IT0015. Both /127 and /413 are correct in Feb 2014(let value x)  but in Mar 2014 /127 and /413 both are reduced by (x-5000) and same is displayed in payslip.


However SAP standard perks like Housing/Car are coming fine.




Nayak NB

Re: Please Suggest which module could be best for me


Dear Deepika,


Seems like you are in cross roads. But nothing to worry. It happens.
I would really like to appreciate you for being confident to take up a move to jump start your career into SAP. Few points  i will enlist for you which may sound helpful to you i hope.
Looking into your experience i have a feeling you don't like the programming stuff anymore and you want to get rid of it yet making a sound career. Yes SAP has those elements to give you a desired path.
If you know SAP has both technical and functional modules or even combination of both called
Techno-Functional modules. Depending on the interest and confidence its needful to take up a good decision.
(FYI: But keep in mind, SAP is built on ABAP codes. Which means ABAP knowledge even basic level is going to help you always)


Following are the points:


1. You belong to technical background aren't you? If yes i believe your interest would rather be in technical side rather than functional side (Finance or Sales etc)
Also you have to be noted that since you will change domain you will be treated as a fresher once again, where you will have to start from the scratch. The path is difficult but not impossible and you have  to be ready to face and overcome all these challenges. If it is so Following are the modules which can pave you a good career ahead.


a.) Business Objects - which is a reporting tool tightly integrated with rich module like BI. In this you dont need programming but you have to be thorough with Database concepts , writing SQL queries as the must haves pre requisites to start with BO. It is  in great demand and you can have a great career with it.


b.) Business Intelligence (BI): Which is a robust techno functional module. The pre requisites  can be basic knowledge of  OOP  ABAP programming and data warehousing concepts. But trust me
Pre requisites are all pen and paper work, if  you have determination you can learn almost anything you want.


c) SAP BASIS: Is more like close to being a networking savvy. it deals with maintenance of server, configuring the servers and many more. It also does need programming knowledge but ABAP will definitely going to help you in many scenarios.


d) SAP Mobility : It is  one of the more interesting areas you can browse and check out.


e.) There is another rich module called SAP HANA, but  i think it should not be suggested as HANA  is considered to be an advanced level, you may need knowledge of BI and ABAP both as well


Following are the more crucial points:


1. While you change your domain, and start to make a career in SAP don't leave your job and invest everything. because you never know when things will click for you. Refer to the following blogs by the great mentors here in SCN forums.:


DOs & DON’Ts for SAP Career (Certification) on the basis of my on going journey from an Accountant to SAP FI Consultant.



2. SAP Certification is not a guarantee that you will get a job or good placement, it may happen or may not, but it will definitely help you a bit to stand out in the crowd  but practical hands on experience  is what all companies  look for which equally makes life tough for the new fresh SAP Aspirants, for that you can take help of local SAP centers  or ghost installation or say  getting paid server access  for practice.


You can check out these blogs :


1, How to Prepare for a Certification Exam in 5 Simple Steps

2. How to Approach and Pass a SAP Certification

3. This i thought can be helpful for you so i am referring here:
SAP Learning Hub Free Courses Overview




3. Be patient and have Perseverance. Things will definitely work if you dedicate yourself in making them work.






Best Regards,

Re: Alternative to milestone and periodic billing?


Hi Maria,


You can confirm if billing plan is enabled by checking if there is some value available for the field "Billing Plan Type" in the Item Category configuration and also for the SD Document type. You can check the same using the transactions VOV7 for Item Category and VOV8 for SD Document type.

Billing Plan_Config.jpg


If some value is available then please check if making this field blank will satisfy your requirement as Santosh has already suggested.




Re: Group UI element


Hi Kiran,


Thanks for the reply,


In the width of the first group, i tried using 50%, or 150px for all the groups but still there no change.


For disabling,even after the visibility is set , it is asking for context binding.


i dont  want to bind the elements, as of now.



Re: How to Enhance Service request Search Criteria


Hello Hasan,


It will be very helpful if you can share your document step by step if you have any. I need to deliver it urgent .:(




Flow of Old Sales Order and item values


Dear Gentlemen,


Account Based COPA activated and being used since 2010 in our client system.


As per the customer requirement,recently we have created two new charateristics ,viz;Sales Order and Sales Order  Item in COPA and values of Sales Order and its item are being flowing in to COPA.


But customer expecting to flow the values of OLD Sales Order and its items (i.e since 2010) for the above stated new two new characteristics.


Can anybody throw some light on this as how to bring the values of old sales oredrs and it items.





Re: Look Up scenario to copy values from Loading request to DSO


Hello Arun,


you are absolutely right..!!

I have written the below coding in the end routine.. but the SID no, data package no, record no are not getting updated.. hence the appended fields are getting added to the result_package.


     Key fields for DSO --> 0Doc_num, 0Doc_item..

     Source for DSO --> Data Source (2LiS_11_VAITM).

     yes, I checked in the debugging mode and we get the duplicate records in i_result for the doc_num and doc_itm.. hence i hv to add the field1 and field2 to the key fields of DSO..


Could you please suggest the changes in the below coding so that the recrds no, datapackage no, sid no are updated in the appending records . thank you..


       Clear: wa_itab1, wa_itab2.
         if <result_fields>-REFER_DOC is not INITIAL.
           read table itab1 into wa_itab1 with key
            doc_num = <result_fields>-refer_doc
            doc_item = <result_fields>-refer_itm
            Binary search.
           If sy-subrc = 0.
             wa_itab1-/bic/PAA1C2033 = <Result_fields>-doc_num.
             wa_itab1-/bic/PAA1C2032 = <Result_fields>-doc_item.
             MOVE-CORRESPONDING wa_itab1 to wa_itab2.
             Append wa_itab2 to i_result.
     Append lines of i_result to RESULT_PACKAGE.

Any Program to update partner index for only contracts


Hi All,


I have added new partner SH (ship to party) search function for the T.code VA45 and now we are able to search with Ship to function for the recent contracts and to make the same work for the old contracts we need to run the program RVV05IVB  and when the same is being scheduled in Test client with below selection parameters  the job hasn't finished even after a week,


I think this program will be used even for orders, Quotations, etc and  to restrict the same only to contracts(to finish the job Fast),Could you please suggest is there any program which will update the partner index only for contracts



Thanks in Advance





VT19- Order Receipt/Orders Balance


Hi All,
I have some line items in RPSCO and COSB table for VT19 Order Receipt/Orders Balance against WBS OBJNR.
As per my understanding these line items may get resulted because of incoming order. But I am not able to figure out exact transaction/posting/document for them.


Can you please suggest if there any such report or somthing is available to go into depth of VT 19 details.


Thank You,

Re: Upload Excel File


Hello Pradip,


You are welcome


Please raise a discussion in SCN whenever any help required.




Re: importing and executing procedure in DS 4.2


Thanks Jha for reply actually you I feel u misunderstood my questions


My question is bout importing a certain procedure from oracle called DBMS_CDC_PUBLISH.PURGE_CHANGE_TABLE


As U am planning to use it for purging Data from CDC table as there is no automatic way to do from Designer

Re: Enhancements in Travel Management and WhoIsWhoApplication




You need to enhance the standard Web Dynpro component, then remove the Input Field UI for blood group( by using Remove Element) and create a new Drop Down UI.


Check the below docs for reference:

Enhance Standard WDA Component

Add Drop Down to Standard WDA Component


Or, You could create a Post Exit for WDDOMODIFY View method and create it via code dynamically.


For, your second query, again you have to enhance the standard component and create a post exit for onSelect Event handler method of First drop down and write the code to set the values to second drop down.


Hope this helps u,




Re: IDOC_AAE testing error



Check SM58 for error?



Amit Srivastava

Re: Issue in MP and Orissa Ptax Deduction




Try this change the gross carry forward to deduction carry forward and run forced retro in (pc00_m40_calc) from Feb' 14 on wards. first check in quality system and then change in production.

just keep in mind if any master data changed for IT 0008, 0014, 0015 for the feb month those also will come in retro.



praneeth kumar

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