Hiding values may not be possible. think about filters or restrictions on compound object to see the data(values) which you need.
if possible share the available data and required output format with sample data..
Hiding values may not be possible. think about filters or restrictions on compound object to see the data(values) which you need.
if possible share the available data and required output format with sample data..
Recently we got an issue like, material got created even when there is no tax classification is maintained for some countries ie left blank. Material creation in the above case is happening through the workflow where we will be filling all the details manually. when i checked the program,,the tax classification for some countries are not filling, so ideally while creating material it should give an error but it is not giving instead it is creating material with blank value for tax classification. if we try manually in MM01,,material is not creating with blank tax classification value for the same data. kindly help to solve this.
Dear ALL experts,
I'm using SAP BPC 10.0 NW version.
I worked on a simple script logic by applying "Lookup", but failed.
You may refer to the screen below:
The error message is a general one which I found no information online.
And, something interesting to note, the *ENDLOOKUP did not change its color and it seems BPC failed to recognize this syntax.
Appreciate any input as it is quite critical to my development..
Best Regards,
Please check in ME23N - Messages tab, whether the output type has been triggered. If its triggered and in yellow signal, go to ME9F and take the print.
If its not triggered, check the condition record in NACR. If its still not solved, please check the output procedure in detail.
I still think you are complcating it.
you can have one characterstic "row" formate numeric
second "column" formate numeric
Then as row and colument decides the total cavatiy, you have characterstic cavity, format numeric and assign a procedure which will calculate quantity for this filed as
Now based upon value calcuated you have multiple value characterstic chemicals which will have list of chemicals selected by users.
If this quantity should match with quantity of cavity then you may need to write up anothe rdependency to restrict it.
Check and reply.
Hope it will help you.
I know that this might be a pretty naive question, but I am an absolute newbie to UI5
I am doing an evaluation for a client project if we could leverage UI5 to build user interfaces. The current setup is Enterprise Portal 7.0.1 SP08 Java Stack.
Is UI5 compatible with this version of the portal? I shall await your kind feedback.
Hi venkat,
if 0MAT_ST_LOC is for example : 190 then do not show certain plants like 258 and 876.
means you want specific plant values hide
select the values select display or hide option.
Please give a sensible title to your query and "Hi All" is definitely not. The objective of the forum is to provide resourceful contents. If some one else is facing the same issue like that of you, the keywords he uses for searching has to have some sort of similarity with the issue you are raising.
Hello Ravi,
As usual, your reply helped and I tested programs suggested by you
There was error in running program FP_CHECK_DESTINATION_SERVICE and after resolving it by our BASIS team, problem in Phase Approval got resolved
Thank you very much for your kind co-operation, Full marks given
Best Regards,
If you have COPC implemented, I would suggest change Std cost by CK11N and not MR21
For the other part of your question, I would request you to raise a new thread.. One thread should accomodate only one question as per forum rules
Br Ajay M
Delete blank and check
Hi experts,
As far as we know, Ownership Manager is used to create scope-entity hierarchy and maintain Consolidation Method, Percent Consolidation, and etc.
However, if a company's organization structure is huge and complicated (e.g. over 100 subsidiaries under the holding), it would be unrealistic to manually add entities for each scope.
So we consider to add the ownership hierarchy through Excel input form.
In our testing, we can use Excel input form to submit Consolidation Method, Percent Consolidation, etc. ONLY AFTER the scope-entity hierarchy is created in Ownership Manager.
If the hierarchy has not been created in Ownership Manager, even though data like Consolidation Method can be saved through Excel input form, the desired scope-entity hierarchy cannot be reflected back in Ownership Manager.
Anyone has idea to achieve that?
Hi Wen,
Yes i have tried COMPR_PAGECONT option too.Finally PDF file size reduced in KB(not much) by choosing different font as suggested by you and instead of color image uploaded black and white image with low DPI as suggested by Eduardo Hinojosa.
Thanks all for your suggestions.
I believe that would work.
Dear All,
I have one Stock Transfer Scenario, Plant A To Plant B in same co code
Transferring material through STPO --> & further GR at Plant B
The material is maintained with the 8 Rs price in plant A,
& The same material is maintained with the 10 Rs price in plant B,
The material is maintained with s-std price in both plants.
What will be the accounting entries in both the plants?
please advise further
Dear Pramod,
The previlege leave's is generated once in a year. Can you give bit more information please.
Thanks and best regards,
I agree that history tables are huge! But you may initially filter the entries from CDPOS based on tables EINA and EINE only, so that the internal table will have info record insert / change history only.
is it delta load? then as suggested by vinod, delete your init and re run reinit.
info pack--> Menu scheduler--> init. options for source system.
I developed a custom function module,
inside that i used two standard FMs to acheive the goal,
1. UI_CHECK(values for declaration mode and expression type)
2.CUPB_CHECK(Syntax Check, Scan, And Error Handling)
While using the FM CUPB_CHECK its necessary to pass the value for dark_mode as 'X', so that we may skip the sub screens and get error list in 'Return' Table
Loop the 'Return' parameter(its a table) and use BAPI_MESASAGE_GETDETAIL to get the exact error text according to the msg_id and msg_number.
Hi Arthur,
Coincidentally the other thread is posted by my colleague Manfred.
I didn't know that my colleague has already posted this.
Any suggestions on how to solve this issue?