I have a dataset of customers (with unique customer numbers) that have sales in 2 years. 2012 & 2013. I have added a flag to each customer
to identify customers which are new business customers in 2013 (i.e. the customer didn't have sales in 2012) and existing business customers (i.e. had sales in 2012).
I have created a dimension to put the flag on each customer. The formula I'm using is as follows:
=If(IsNull([Sales Quantity Full Year] In ([Customer No]));0;1)
Customer No is the unique customer number
Sales Quantity is total sales in the prior year
New business customers will have a flag of 0
Existing business customers will have a flag of 1
All this works fine, no issues so far.
Customer sales are broken out into different sales areas, North, South, East & West.
What I want to be able to show is a vertical table with the sales areas in a vertial column on the left, then beside that the total for new business sales in the period (2013) and then another column for exisitng business sales in the period. I don't want to show customer numbers as its too much detail.
New Business Existing Business
North 1,000 12,000
South 2,000 11,000
East 500 8,000
West 5,000 15,000
But when the try to show the table like this I get #Multivalues where the values should be.
If I only include North and also include the customer numbers the values are shown, when I remove the customer number and so at an regional level, I get #Multivalues again.
I have created a measure for New Business, the formula reads as follows:
=Sum([Sales Quantity 2013]) Where ([New Customer]=0)
The formula for Exisiting business is the sames only 0/zero is replaced with 1.
Hope someone can help,