We applied SAP notes for Wave 1-5 to enable our W2 online functionality, however, we may have somehow missed something along the way. Our SAP_HR is on release 6.04 Level 0041.
We are experiencing syntax errors while trying to test our W2 online forms (HRESS_A_PER_US_ONLINE_W2 [Election] and HRESS_A_REP_US_ONLINE_W2 [Reporting]) via SE80.
They do not render in a browser due to the following syntax errors:
1. HRESS_A_REP_US_ONLINE_W2 Reporting ( "The obligatory parameter "IV_ALTTF" had no value assigned to it." ). This error can be traced to class CL_HRESS_REP_DATA_ONLINE_W2_US, method GET_PDF. This method is calling method GET_PDF in class CL_HRPAYUS_TR_W2_CLUSTER which has the inbound parameter IV_ALTTF set as required. I am assuming this parameter was added as part of the SAP notes applied (as this class has no such parameter in our QA environment). No update was made to class CL_HRESS_REP_DATA_ONLINE_W2_US. I need help setting and passing this parameter IV_ALTTF.
2. HRESS_A_PER_US_ONLINE_W2 Election ("CL_HRESS_PER_OVR_ONLINE_W2_US=CP " in include "CL_HRESS_PER_OVR_ONLINE_W2_US=CM005 " in line 77: "The data object "LS_BUTTON_CHOICE_ITEM" does not have a component called "ACTION_ID".").
Any insight on these syntax errors would be greatly appreciated!