Hi All,
We are creating a new Vendor Mater report, which will extract and store the vendor master updated file in the SAP directory and will be used for synchronizing from SAP to other systems (files will be uploaded with the help of interface).
We have created the vendor master report and file is successfully downloading in SAP AL11 directory, but when we are download the file using CG3Y transaction, the file is not uploading successfully in other systems because it is populating the warning message shown below.
Please help us on this, so that we will not get warning error we are downloading the file in XLS format.
Please suggest us as soon as possible
The code we used for the XLS format is as below:
CONSTANTS : lc_path TYPE c VALUE '/home/r3data/ZFVENDOR/Vendor Data' LENGTH 33,
lc_path2 TYPE c VALUE '/home/r3data/ZFVENDOR/Vendor-Control Summary' LENGTH47,
lc_hyphen TYPE C VALUE '-' LENGTH 1,
lc_extn TYPE C VALUE '.xlsx' LENGTH 5.
CONCATENATE lc_path lc_hyphen sy-datum lc_extn INTO p_file.
open dataset p_file for output in text mode message lf_msg_txt encoding default.
IF sy-subrc eq 0.
CONCATENATE gc_cocd gc_vendor gc_name1 gc_name2 gc_name3 gc_name4 gc_street gc_city
gc_po_no gc_cn gc_ser_tax gc_email gc_tel gc_D gc_B gc_Pay gc_Pay_term
gc_create gc_change INTO lf_str SEPARATED BY gc_tab2.
transfer lf_str to p_file.
clear lf_str.
Describe field gs_output type lf_typ components lf_compo.
LOOP at gt_output into gs_output.
clear lf_str.
do lf_compo times.
assign component sy-index of structure gs_output to <fild>.
lv_char = <fild>. "if fild is not type char it won't upload
if sy-index eq 1.
lf_str = lv_char.
concatenate lf_str lv_char into lf_str separated by gc_tab2.
transfer lf_str to p_file.
close dataset p_file.
Thanks and regards