Hi Lahari,
Retrieving multiple properties can refer to binding data to different List Item properties (e.g. description), concatenating data into a property, and so forth. In the case of the factory function approach, you can bind another list item property to a different JSON property:
title: oContext.getProperty("FirstName") , description: oContext.getProperty("LastName")
You can concatenate a combination of JSON properties and strings into a single list item property:
title: oContext.getProperty("FirstName") + " " + oContext.getProperty("LastName")
XML Views have their own syntax, approach, and eloquence.
Regardless of the exact intent, I highly recommend regularly consulting the SAPUI5 Documentation.
For detailed questions, the API Documentation includes everything you need to know about a control (and more), in your case, the properties of the sap.m.StandardListItem.
For browsing controls and concepts, Explorer and Demo Apps are a great source of inspiration.
The Developer Guide is a wealth of information and best practices, which are often best understood after first applying worst practices