Dear Experts,
I am using SAP B1 8.82.
I am new to crystal report and now trying to do a monthly stock report with the following format:
Species BatchNum OpeningBal QtyInKD QtyInRD QtyInCD Adj ClosingBal
ABC T1234 17.43 10.16 17.43 0.00 0.00 10.16
ClosingBal = OpeningBal + QtyInKD - QtyInRD - QtyInCD + Adj
- DateFrom
- DateTo
- WarehouseFrom
- WarehouseTo
I am having problem in defining formula to get the opening balance for each item. The report is grouped by species, whscode & batchNum.
Anyone please share with me how to write the formula for opening balance in stock report.
Best Regards,