Error analysis
An exception has occurred which is explained in more detail below. The exception is assigned to class 'CX_SY_DYN_CALL_ILLEGAL_TYPE' and was not caught in procedure "SORTED" "(METHOD)", nor was it propagated by a RAISING clause. Since the caller of the procedure could not have anticipated this exception, the current program was terminated.
The reason for the exception is: Field "%_##TVREG_001-EBELN" was to assigned a new value but this field is at least partly protected against changes. The following are protected against changes:
- Character literals or numerical literals,
- Constants (CONSTANTS),
- Parameters of category IMPORTING REFERENCE in functions and methods,
- untyped field symbols that have not been assigned a field using ASSIGN,
- TABLES parameters, if the actual parameter is protected against changes.
USING reference parameters and CHANGING parameters in FORMs, if the actual parameter is protected against changes.
- Access using field symbols if the field assigned using ASSIGN is partly or completely protected (for example key components of internal table of the type SORTED or HASHED TABLE).
- Access using field symbols if the field assigned using ASSIGN contains components of a secondary key that is currently in use in a higher-level LOOP statement.
- Access using references if the field bound to the reference is (partly) protected against changes.
- Write access from outside to READ-ONLY attributes.
- Content of a shared objects area instance accessed using a shared lock (ATTACH_FOR_READ.
- Rows or fields in a table that are currently being serialized by a Simple Transformation.