Hi All
I am using the Webservice JAVA SDK to login to the BO server, using the following code. Version of BO server is R4
String srvcUrl = "http://server:8080/dswsbobje/services/";
Connection conn = new Connection(new URL(srvcUrl + "Session"));
Session es = new Session(conn);
es.login(getCredentials( domain, auth, uid, pwd));
its giving me the following error on es.login() method
Exception in thread "main" org.apache.axis2.AxisFault: login The exception is of a known origin. (Error: FWM 20030)
at com.businessobjects.dsws.Consumer.dswsExceptionDocToAxisFault(Consumer.java:876)
at com.businessobjects.dsws.session.Session.login(Session.java:453)
at bo.ondemand.test.TestOnDemandMain.main(TestOnDemandMain.java:37)
Can anybody help me to solve the issue the login issue?
Thanks in Advance