Hello Ameet.
Thanks for your quick response.
I understood the import procedure but I'm not sure about the job. Just to check if I understood correctly:
If I have a role already registered in BRM and update it straight in the backend, without using BRM workflow, once I run GRAC_REPOSITORY_OBJECT_SYNC, tables GRACROLEACT,
GRACROLEPERM, GRACROLEPERMAUTH and GRACROLEFLDVAL (maybe others) should be updated as if I have clicked "PFCG Sync" button in BRM?
I found some info about it here http://wiki.scn.sap.com/wiki/display/GRC/The+Repository+-+GRC+Access+Control+10.0, but got no success when I ran an incremental sync hoping to update authorization data for a specific role. I may have missed something?
Best regards,