Dear Caetano Almeida,
Will brief you the business scenario steps we fallow.
- First the Sales order is created the same is confirmed / Released to which the STO/PO is created.(Site 1) PR is raised .
- The same PR is scheduled in MRP Run and the another PR is created.(site 2)
- The 2 PR is released for which the PO generated and issued to Vendor.
- Vendor delivers the product and the 2nd PO is closed after the Goods receipts.
- Now the product is moved to Site 1 from Site 2.
- The same product is sold 601 Mvt is done , now the Sales order is closed.
Now the issue is the PR is getting generated again for the same article against the same Sale order.
In the above PRqRel 10067524/ 220 linked to a sales order mentioned by you is raised in Site1 which not modifiable