We are trying to embed a content of SAP EP 6.40 into SAP EP 7.4 and we have the following error:
Webpage error details
User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; MS-RTC LM 8)
Timestamp: Fri, 6 Jun 2014 13:54:42 UTC
Message: 'AttrKeyString.length' is null or not an object
Line: 1168
Char: 1
Code: 0
URI: https://MyContainerPortal/com.sap.portal.epcf.loader/script/optimize/js13_epcf.js?7.310000014
The steps that we’ve followed in SAP EP 6.40 are:
- Modify web.xml from SAP EP 6.40 to defining the new Alias (portal/interop) with the parameter “nested_window=1”.
- Create a framework and a desktop to include the content
- Modify the rule collection to display this desktop by the new “alias”.
The steps in 7.40:
- Show the content by an URL iview,:
- URL = https://MyInnerPortal/irj/portal/interop
- NavigationTarget = ROLES://portal_content/com.adp.folders.crm/com.adp.Roles.roles/com.adp.roles.Collaboration/com.adp.worksets.adp_room/com.adp.pages.room_directory_adp
In “PORTAL_1.png” attachment you can view the correct embedded, then it’s correct the use of alias, framework, desktop, etc..
In “PORTAL_2.png” attachment you can view the error when you try to navigate in all of parts(links) of embedded view. Also, the navigation by TLN of portal container (7.40) is inactive with the same error.
I have integrated other content and working properly.
It may be an incompatibility to embed the Collaboration Rooms, with these versions of SAP EP or all versions?
Thanks and Regards.