Wow. A short while ago you were describing this subject matter as "mumbo-jumbo", and now you are stating your intention to publish a reference document on the subject. I am humbled by your ability to comprehend new material!
Anyhow, I applaud you for taking on such a helpful task. I myself am not motivated to pursue goals like this one. I will continue in my own way to assist selected users who post questions. My methods remain unchanged: I answer questions one at a time; as I have free time, and when I feel I have something unique to offer; in the same way I have done since I joined SCN. I will leave the more ambitious tasks, such as the '100 Useful Macros' project, to those among you who are so inclined.
I expect your announcement will raise substantial interest by the forum members in seeing the results of your project. I know I am looking forward to seeing it.
Best Regards & Good luck,