The requirement is that always ignore the Info record freight, if header freight is entered, as the header freight is applicable to the entire PO.
I had a thought-
In the configuration,
FRA1/FRB1/FRC1 maintained as Item level condition only.
FRA2/FRB2/FRC2 maintained as header level and also group condition checked.
While creating info records, only FRA1/FRB1/FRC1 should be available as an option under "Conditions'.
{For this, I made a change to remove FRA2/FRB2/FRC2 in the Condition supplement in M/08, but in vain, for some reason that is not being effective, I still get to see THEM while I maintain an info record}. Can you help here???
So, users have the flexibility to maintian Freight at item level on PO, if the materials used have no freight enetered in the info records or if no info record at all (FRA1/FRB1/FRC1).
Also, users can maintain freight at the PO header level, if applicable for the entire PO. (fra2/frb2/frc2).
In case, there are 4 line items on the PO. One of the material has valid Freight condition in its info record out of the 4 line items. In case of this PO, Freight is applicable at header level only, so the item level freight from info record of this one line item has to be ignored..
I was thinking if "Routine" can be assigned to "Reqt" in M/08, to check for any plant info record and if yes, check if any Freight conditions are maintained, and if yes, to ignore this. Instead, the Header level Freight condition should be applicable to the entire PO.